Dungeon Skank V 0.98a1

Dungeon Skank V 0.98a1 


- Fixed problem with the algorithm that controls random tile generation, it was preventing more complex designs from materialzing.
- Player model no longer able to pass through pillers in the larger rooms.
- No more floating grass on the stair cases
- Chests will no longer spawn on top of spike plates.
- Mobs will no longer spawn on top of chests or spike plates
- Rewrote the entire movement system, no longer will the player controller 'get lost' 
- Reworked the staircase logic, you should no longer headback upstairs once reaching the bottom.
- Player should no longer walk through some doors, gates and chests.
- Fixed dead-ends dropping off into space. They now properly display an impassable brick wall. 


- Ability to select Extreme, Large, Normal, Small dungeon creations on startup. ( Note: Extreme maps take additional time to populate ).
- Added additional tile plates to dungeon set 1. Beautification has begun!
- Dungeon Overhead Map added, Press [M]ap to display the map overhead.
- Markers for Starting chamber, Player, POI's, Merchant and Quest givers added
- Added tons of new random generators. Walls, decorartion, floor debris, 3d Sound boxes just to name a few.
- Added camera gimbal look while in 1st person mode ( slight tilt to mouse position angles )
- Added Cave plates to the randomizer ( cave sections attached to dungeon corridors ).
- Re-worked the entire lighting system from ground up, shadows are more defined and crisp.
- Added 'fog adjusters' - emitters that control the fog values for near and far effects.
- Added 3D Sound boxes, easy to add a dimensional sound anywhere.
- Added 3 theme selections to the map generation screen,  Rustic, Mossey, Modern - each theme features it's own creation attributes.
- You can now move the mouse to the far left, right up or down position and click to move in that direction.
- Player can select male or female at map creation.  ( cosmetic only / different animations )
- Three main character types playable, Mike, Roxann, Lisa.
- Mummies, zombies and skeletons ripped out, replaced with story-line characters.
- No more swords, replaced with bats.
- Added command console, can send commands to the script processor. ( future feature: talk to NPC's ) 
- New camera system, out with the old and in with the new. Orbital/shoulder camera implemented.
- Added new combat animations, each level of swing has approx. 3 random swing animations.
- Added character voice interactions on some scenarios.
- Added 'Nameplates' to mobs, Group and sub name ( if applied )

For Fun Additions: ( these additions are for fun, cosemtic and/or storyline involvement ).

- Added Snakes, Turn a corner in the dark and you may run into a snake.
- Added Rats, nasty vermin that like to dwell and run about the underground dungeon.
- Added feces and sick mode. If in certain areas to long the player character will become nauseated, and show it.
- Added suprise points, passing random spots will trigger a suprise point.  You'll have to see for yourself!
- Added some easter eggs '/' commands, just don't fall in love with Roxana after discovering them.
- Added interaction commands, /dance1, /dance2, /dance3.
- If characters are unlocked, /play_roxann, /play_lisa and /play_mike are available.

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